This is a very sweet little movie. The "magic" business in it is there to give it a little edge, and I think that they wisely don't explain it, but the movie works best when they underplay it. It's at its best around the "shopping for plates" sequence when the characters discuss how often men think about sex. It's handled with a light touch that is just right. That is the tone that I would have liked to see the movie maintain, and which they hit now and again during the course of it, but also missed from time to time.It's not a sure thing (it's no "Moonstruck", for example), but if you like romantic comedy it's worth a look. I'd give it a 7/10 (slightly less than 3 stars, but close).
'Sentiment: Positive 🙂'
14 June 2009. Perhaps one of the my most watched movies, this Sarah Michelle Geller's romantic comedies is steeped in fun, entertaining, and magical culinary delight that even rivals such movies as YOU'VE GOT MAIL (1998) and in some ways pitches an even more memorable storyline and stronger ending. The plot is simple, yet in its simplicity, it allows the story to unfold in an easy, breezy, predicable way that can be savored and tasted with patient delight. The humor is genuinely from the situation and taken advantage of by the actors to the fullest. The movie does not require deep mental thought or analysis and thereby is this movie's brilliance for it allows the audience just to experience and feel instead of having to work at enjoying the movie. Just as one of Michelle's character's meal courses, this movie exudes its own rich broth and sweetness. 8/10.
'Sentiment: Positive 🙂'
I'm sorry but I love this movie! I know it's gotten terrible reviews but it's this was not made to be an Oscar winning film. It's a quirky little romantic comedy with touches of magic and wonder. The acting is great and with the amazing Patricia Clarkson you will find yourself giggling the whole movie. Let's face it.. this is not a box office hit. But if you want a beautiful feel good movie to calm you on a Saturday afternoon while you drink your cup of tea.. look no further. It will be put into your "guilty pleasures" bank as soon as you finish it.